My first game review is of Mega Man X Collection on the PS2. Pretty soon, I'll make a video and put it up on Youtube. OK, on to the review...
Mega Man X Collection
OK, lemme tell ya, I hate this game. So much. It makes me want to kill myself. I like Mega Man. I hate Mega Man X.
OK, so the Collection has Mega Man X1 through X6 (there are 8, I think... 2 were released after the Collection). The first thing I hate is the bosses.
The most commonly known fact about Mega Man (I think) is that all the bosses are named "Something Man." My favorites include Gemini Man, Shadow Man, Needle Man, Hard Man (*giggle*). Does Mega Man X have this? No. No, all the bosses in the X series are crappy robotic animals. Seriously. The original Mega Man had Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, Elec Man, Time Man and Oil Man. Cool, huh? Certainly cooler than Mega Man X with it's fire-breathing elephant, the penguin, the bubble-shooting octopus with feet, the annoying bouncing armadillo, the wind-blowing eagle with arms, the electric gorilla, the god-damn invincible chameleon and... whatever that eighth one is. I mean, he looks like a bug or something, but his name is "Boomer Kuwanger." Seriously? Boomer Kuwanger? What? Who designed this game, a couple dozen birth-defected crack-babies with some of those remote-control electric zappers on the backs of their necks?
All the other Mega Man Xs have annoying bosses too... clear out, Robot Masters! Make way for Wire Sponge, Toxic Seahorse, Volt Catfish, Crystal Snail, Split Mushroom and other un-namable things. The best one is probably Jet Stingray from Mega Man X4, but still...
The controls and gameplay suck, too. I mean, Mega Man can't even shoot up! He can only shoot straight ahead of him, which means that you have to keep jumping to shoot flying enemies. And there are a lot of flying enemies.
On the subject of enemies, they're all retarded robot animals, too! I mean, there's frogs, earthworms, woodpeckers, rabbits, triceratopses. I especially like the purple ostriches wearing exploding turbans that they fling at you.
Levels and bosses suck as well. The Mega Man X1 and X2 ones stand out in my mind. The chameleon, Sting (seriously, his full name is Sting Chameleon, but I just call him Sting, like the wrestler) is friggin' impossible! He just turns invisible immediately, which is annoying because when he's invisible, you can't hit him, but his ripple effect always lets you know where he is, and when he turns visible, he just immediately attacks and goes invisible again! You can never hit him! I can't even get through some of their levels! Like X6's Blaze Heatnix, also known as Flame Hawk, has a miniboss within the first 10 feet of his level. A miniboss with a health bar that takes up the whole screen, and that shoots incredibly powerful lasers.
OK, I'm tired, and I feel like quitting. The game sucks, end of story, I feel like ripping off X's and Zero's arms and canning tuna in them.
Graphics: Decent, but the backgrounds are too detailed and confuse you. 5.5/10.
Gameplay: I friggin' hate it. Too difficult (all of them). 1/10.
Characters: Hate 'em all. Hate 'em. All of 'em. 1.5/10.
Story: What story? You just go around killing things. 0/10.
Overall: This was a good idea... except NOT! It sucked eggs through a straw! Mechanical ostrich eggs! 2/10!
Tune in next ime, and you'll see... something.