Howdy, stranger. Welcome to the Pokemon Fusionists of Newgrounds.
You're new around here, so I gotta instruct you on the rules.
-The actual thread, "Custom Pokemon Fusions!", is only for showcasing your fused Pokemon, offering constructive criticism, or conversing with other members about whatever goes on. Keep this in mind.
-The senior members of the thread are me, AMP-d, nitro-burner, Darmealea and Howtopian. You will listen to us, and you do not make the rules.
-If you come in and say anything to the extent of "POEKMON IS GAY ROFLROFL", then you will be flamed, because we aren't about to abandon the thread just because certain people don't think we're worthy of the Art forum.
-If you flame another member, expect to be ganged up on. You fuck with one of us, you fuck with us all. Sometimes, if two members enter a flame war that lasts more than twenty-four hours, I will call a fuse-off. This is a short competition to see who is n00bier, and who is right.
-There is one contest every week unless I say otherwise. Do not, I repeat in bold, NOT, make up your own contests.
-Sprite videos will be released periodically on my YouTube account of sprites we have made. The first (and so far only) is below.
Have a nice time, pardner.
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